
Privacy Policy

Last updated: October 31, 2022.

K-ARTNOW.COM (https://k-artnow.com/, hereinafter referred to as ‘K-ARTNOW’) has the following policy to protect personal information and rights of users (information objects, hereinafter the same applies) in accordance with personal information-related laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act and the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and to process users’ personal information-related complaints smoothly.

Purpose of personal information management

K-ARTNOW.COM manages personal information for the following purposes. K-ARTNOW.COM doesn’t use personal information for other purposes, and when changing the purposes of use, it will seek consent in advance.

Membership signup and management
  • to identify and certify members to provide membership services, various notifications, handling complaints and preserving records for dispute settlement, etc.

Processing complaints
  • To identify, check, contact, and notify those who submit complaints for investigating facts and results, etc

Provision of services
  • To develop new services (products), offer customized services, provide events, advertise information and participation opportunities, post advertisements, and access frequency or member’s service use statistics, etc.

Utilization for marketing and advertising
  • To develop new services (products), offer customized services, provide events, advertise information and participation opportunities, post advertisements, and access frequency or member’s service use statistics, etc.

Job application
  • To manage recruitment and resourcing activities, provide information about the applicant, etc.

Conclusion and management of contracts (registration of transaction partners)
  • To manage personal information for the purposes of determining whether to establish transactions relationships and concluding, establishing, maintaining, implementing, changing, and managing contracts, managing and collecting claims, credit checks, and real-name transitions, etc.

Personal information items collected

Personal information items collected by K-ARTNOW.COM for membership signup and various services provision online and business handling offline, and their collection methods are as follows. 

  • Membership signup and services: email address, mobile phone number, password, password question and answer, login ID, gender, birth date, name, service use records, cookies, access IP information, etc.
  • Subscriptions: name, address, email address, phone number, subscription information, etc.
  •  Conclusion of contracts: name, address, company name, business number, corporation registration number, birth, date, contact number, etc.\
  •  Job application: name, birthdate, phone number, contact number, address, email address, academic background, career history, self-introduction, etc. (optional information may be required, such as qualification of a license, language ability, etc.)

The period during which personal information is handled and retained

K-ARTNOW.COM handles and retains personal information only during the period specified by relevant statutes for retaining and using personal information or the period to which each user consents when we collect the user’s personal information.

Matters concerning the provision of personal information to third parties
  • K-ARTNOW.COM does not provide personal information collected and retained thereby to any third party without the relevant user’s consent, except in the following cases:
  • Where a user specifically consents to the provision of his/her personal information;
  • Where another statute provides expressly;
  • Where a user or his/her legal representative is incapable of communicating his/her intention or it is impossible to obtain consent from a user or his/her legal representative because his/her whereabouts are unknown, but it is considered clearly necessary to urgently provide his/her personal information to a third party for the safety, health, or economic interests of the user or of a third party;
  • Where personal information is provided in a form that makes it impossible to identify a specific person, as necessary for compiling statistics or scientific research;
  • Where it is impracticable to perform relevant duties prescribed in other Acts unless the personal information is provided for any purpose other than its original purpose or is provided to a third party and where the such case is deliberated on and determined by the Personal Information Protection Commission;
  • Where it is necessary to provide such information to a foreign government or an international organization to implement treaties or other international agreements;
  • Where it is necessary to investigate a crime and to file and sustain a prosecution;
  • Where it is necessary for a court to proceed with a trial;
  • Where it is necessary to enforce a sentence, custody, or protective order imposed.
  • When we provide your personal information to a third party, we will inform you of the following facts to obtain consent from you:
  • The name of the recipient of personal information (or the name of the corporation or organization, if the recipient is a corporation or organization) and the contact information of the recipient;
  • The recipient’s purposes for using personal information
  • The items of personal information are to be provided.
  • The duration during which the personal information will be retained and used by the recipient.
  • The fact that user has a right to refuse to consent and details of any disadvantages.

Matters concerning outsourced processing of personal information

K-ARTNOW.COM does not export its personal data without the data subject’s consent outside K-ARTNOW.COM. If a third-party organization is contracted to process personal information on K-ARTNOW.COM’s behalf, K-ARTNOW.COM, as Data Controller, remains responsible for posting the name of K-ARTNOW.COM outsourced and outsourced matters on our website.

The rights and obligations of data subjects and legal representatives, and how to exercise the rights

A user (if the user is under the age of 14, referring to his/her legal representative) may exercise the following rights in relation to protecting personal information:

  • The right to request permission to inspect his/her personal information;
  • The right to request correction of his/her personal information if there is any error, etc.;
  • The right to request the deletion of his/her personal information;
  • The right to request K-ARTNOW.COM to suspend handling his/her personal information.
  • The right to be notified of personal information that has been received from another person

Where a user requests the correction or deletion of any error, etc., in his/her personal information, the relevant information shall not be provided to any third party pursuant to this Policy until the relevant information is corrected or deleted.

A user may exercise his/her rights through an agent, such as his/her legal representative or a person with a mandate. In such cases, the user shall submit a power of attorney as specified in attached Form 11 of the Enforcement Rule of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Users must not infringe on their own privacy or the privacy of other people collected by K-ARTNOW.COM by violating the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Items of personal information to be handled

The primary personal information collected and retained by K-ARTNOW.COM are as follows;

No.Name of personal information fileMain Items
1The list of field trip participantsName, Contact Information, E-mail, Affiliation
2Managing recruitment and resourcing activitiesName, Nationality, Address, Phone number, Hobby, Strength, Essay, Veterans’ Family, Disability Identification, Telephone number, Educational data, GPA, Military Service, Employment History, Travel Information, the experience of studying abroad, Activities, English Proficiency or other languages, Certificates, Awards, etc.

Destruction of personal information

In principle, K-ARTNOW.COM destroys a user’s personal information after the purpose of handling the personal information has been attained.

If K-ARTNOW.COM needs to retain the provided information in line with the relevant laws even when the agreed retention period is over or after achieving the purpose of its collection, it shall move the personal information in question (or personal information file) to a separate database or another storage space.

The procedure, deadlines, and methods for destroying it are as follows:

  • Procedure for destruction
    K-ARTNOW.COM destroys personal information (or personal information files) according to a special procedure. K-ARTNOW.COM selects personal information (or personal information file) subject to destruction, obtains approval from the person in charge of personal information protection, and destroys it.
  • Methods for destruction
    K-ARTNOW.COM destroys personal information stored in the form of electronic files using the Low-Level Format, which cannot be revived. Personal information stored in the form of paper documents is destroyed by shredding or incineration.

Remedies for Violation of Rights and Interests

Users can file complaints about infringing their privacy.

Complaints regarding privacy violations

  • E-mail: aproject.company@gmail.com



개인정보 처리방침

이 개인정보처리방침은 2022년 10월 31부터 적용됩니다.

< K-ARTNOW >(‘https://k-artnow.com/’이하 ‘케이아트나우’)은(는) 「개인정보 보호법」 제30조에 따라 정보주체의 개인정보를 보호하고 이와 관련한 고충을 신속하고 원활하게 처리할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 다음과 같이 개인정보 처리방침을 수립·공개합니다.

제1조 개인정보의 처리 목적

< K-ARTNOW >(‘https://k-artnow.com/’이하 ‘케이아트나우’)은(는) 다음의 목적을 위하여 개인정보를 처리합니다. 처리하고 있는 개인정보는 다음의 목적 이외의 용도로는 이용되지 않으며 이용 목적이 변경되는 경우에는 「개인정보 보호법」 제18조에 따라 별도의 동의를 받는 등 필요한 조치를 이행할 예정입니다.

회원가입 및 관리
  • 회원제 서비스 제공에 따른 본인 식별·인증, 서비스 부정이용 방지, 각종 고지·통지, 고충처리, 분쟁 조정을 위한 기록 보존 등을 목적으로 개인정보를 처리합니다.

민원사무 처리
  • 민원인의 신원 확인, 민원사항 확인, 사실조사를 위한 연락·통지, 처리결과 통보 등을 목적으로 개인정보를 처리합니다.

재화 또는 서비스 제공
  • 서비스 제공, 콘텐츠 제공, 맞춤 서비스 제공, 본인인증 등을 목적으로 개인정보를 처리합니다. 

마케팅 및 광고 관련 활용
  • 신규 서비스(제품) 개발 및 맞춤 서비스 제공, 이벤트 및 광고성 정보 제공 및 참여기회 제공, 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 서비스 제공 및 광고 게재, 서비스의 유효성 확인, 접속빈도 파악 또는 회원의 서비스 이용에 대한 통계 등을 목적으로 개인정보를 처리합니다.

입사지원 및 결과 확인
  • 허위 또는 대리지원을 방지하고, 채용전형(서류심사 및 전형결과안내, 직무배치 등)을 위해 입사지원서 상의 개인정보를 수집하고 이용합니다.

제2조 개인정보의 처리 및 보유 기간
  • < K-ARTNOW >은(는) 법령에 따른 개인정보 보유·이용기간 또는 정보주체로부터 개인정보를 수집 시에 동의받은 개인정보 보유·이용기간 내에서 개인정보를 처리·보유합니다.

제3조 처리하는 개인정보의 항목

K-ARTNOW 는 온라인에서의 회원가입 및 각종 서비스 제공, 오프라인에서의 업무처리를 위해 처리하는 개인정보의 항목 및 수집 방법은 다음과 같습니다.

온라인을 통한 수집
  • 회원가입 및 서비스 이용: 이메일, 휴대전화번호, 비밀번호 질문과 답, 비밀번호, 로그인 ID, 성별, 생년월일, 이름, 서비스 이용 기록, 접속 로그, 쿠키, 접속 IP 정보, 결제기록
  • 구독신청: 성명, 주소, 이메일 주소, 구독정보
오프라인(각종 양식)을 통한 수집
  • 계약 체결(거래처 등록) : 성명, 주소, 상호, 사업자번호, 법인등록번호, 생년월일, 연락처 등
  • 입사지원: 성명, 생년월일, 전화번호, 휴대전화 번호, 주소, 이메일 주소, 학력사항, 경력사항, 자기소개서 등 (선택 정보: 자격면허, 어학 능력 등)

제4조 개인정보의 제3자 제공
  • < K-ARTNOW >은(는) 개인정보를 제1조(개인정보의 처리 목적)에서 명시한 범위 내에서만 처리하며, 정보주체의 동의, 법률의 특별한 규정 등 「개인정보 보호법」 제17조 및 제18조에 해당하는 경우에만 개인정보를 제3자에게 제공합니다.
  • < K-ARTNOW >은(는) 다음과 같이 개인정보를 제3자에게 제공하고 있습니다.
    • 개인정보를 제공받는 자 : K-ARTNOW.COM
    • 제공받는 자의 개인정보 이용목적 : 이메일, 이름
    • 제공받는 자의 보유.이용기간: 준영구

제5조 개인정보의 파기절차 및 파기방법
  • < K-ARTNOW > 은(는) 개인정보 보유기간의 경과, 처리목적 달성 등 개인정보가 불필요하게 되었을 때에는 지체없이 해당 개인정보를 파기합니다.
  • 정보주체로부터 동의받은 개인정보 보유기간이 경과하거나 처리목적이 달성되었음에도 불구하고 다른 법령에 따라 개인정보를 계속 보존하여야 하는 경우에는, 해당 개인정보를 별도의 데이터베이스(DB)로 옮기거나 보관장소를 달리하여 보존합니다.
  • 개인정보 파기의 절차 및 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
    • 파기절차:  < K-ARTNOW > 은(는) 파기 사유가 발생한 개인정보를 선정하고, < K-ARTNOW > 의 개인정보 보호책임자의 승인을 받아 개인정보를 파기합니
    • 파기방법: 전자적 파일 형태의 정보는 기록을 재생할 수 없는 기술적 방법을 사용합니다. 종이에 출력된 개인정보는 분쇄기로 분쇄하거나 소각을 통하여 파기합니다

제6조 정보주체와 법정대리인의 권리·의무 및 그 행사방법에 관한 사항

① 정보주체는 K-ARTNOW.COM에 대해 언제든지 개인정보 열람·정정·삭제·처리정지 요구 등의 권리를 행사할 수 있습니다.

② 제1항에 따른 권리 행사는K-ARTNOW.COM에 대해 「개인정보 보호법」 시행령 제41조제1항에 따라 서면, 전자우편, 모사전송(FAX) 등을 통하여 하실 수 있으며 K-ARTNOW.COM은(는) 이에 대해 지체 없이 조치하겠습니다.

③ 제1항에 따른 권리 행사는 정보주체의 법정대리인이나 위임을 받은 자 등 대리인을 통하여 하실 수 있습니다. 이 경우 “개인정보 처리 방법에 관한 고시(제2020-7호)” 별지 제11호 서식에 따른 위임장을 제출하셔야 합니다.

④ 개인정보 열람 및 처리정지 요구는 「개인정보 보호법」 제35조 제4항, 제37조 제2항에 의하여 정보주체의 권리가 제한될 수 있습니다.

⑤ 개인정보의 정정 및 삭제 요구는 다른 법령에서 그 개인정보가 수집 대상으로 명시되어 있는 경우에는 그 삭제를 요구할 수 없습니다.

⑥ K-ARTNOW.COM은(는) 정보주체 권리에 따른 열람의 요구, 정정·삭제의 요구, 처리정지의 요구 시 열람 등 요구를 한 자가 본인이거나 정당한 대리인인지를 확인합니다.

제7조 개인정보의 안전성 확보조치에 관한 사항

< K-ARTNOW >은(는) 개인정보의 안전성 확보를 위해 다음과 같은 조치를 취하고 있습니다.

  • 개인정보 취급 직원의 최소화 및 교육
    개인정보를 취급하는 직원을 지정하고 담당자에 한정시켜 최소화하여 개인정보를 관리하는 대책을 시행하고 있습니다.

제8조 행태정보의 수집·이용·제공 및 거부 등에 관한 사항

① <개인정보처리자>은(는) 서비스 이용과정에서 정보주체에게 최적화된 맞춤형 서비스 및 혜택, 온라인 맞춤형 광고 등을 제공하기 위하여 행태정보를 수집·이용하고 있습니다.

② <개인정보처리자>은(는) 다음과 같이 행태정보를 수집합니다.

  • 수집하는 행태정보의 항목
      • 이용자의 웹사이트 및 앱 서비스 방문 이력, 검색 이력 등
  • 행태정보 수집 방법
      • 이용자의 웹사이트 및 앱 방문/ 실행시 자동 수집
  • 행태정보 수집 목적
      • 이용자의 관심, 성향에 기반한 개인 맞춤형 상품 추천 서비스(광고 포함)를 제공
  • 보유·이용기간 및 이후 정보처리
      • 준영구

<온라인 맞춤형 광고 등을 위해 제3자(온라인 광고사업자 등)가 이용자의 행태정보를 수집·처리할수 있도록 허용한 경우>

③ <개인정보처리자>은(는) 다음과 같이 온라인 맞춤형 광고 사업자가 행태정보를 수집·처리하도록 허용하고 있습니다.

  • 행태정보 수집 방법 : 이용자가 당사 웹사이트를 방문하거나 앱을 실행할 때 자동 수집 및 전송
  • 수집·처리되는 행태정보 항목 : 이용자의 웹/앱 방문이력, 검색이력, 구매이력

④ <개인정보처리자>은(는) 온라인 맞춤형 광고 등에 필요한 최소한의 행태정보만을 수집하며, 사상, 신념, 가족 및 친인척관계, 학력·병력, 기타 사회활동 경력 등 개인의 권리·이익이나 사생활을 뚜렷하게 침해할 우려가 있는 민감한 행태정보를 수집하지 않습니다.

⑤ <개인정보처리자>은(는) 만 14세 미만임을 알고 있는 아동이나 만14세 미만의 아동을 주 이용자로 하는 온라인 서비스로부터 맞춤형 광고 목적의 행태정보를 수집하지 않고, 만 14세 미만임을 알고 있는 아동에게는 맞춤형 광고를 제공하지 않습니다.

⑥ <개인정보처리자>은(는) 모바일 앱에서 온라인 맞춤형 광고를 위하여 광고식별자를 수집·이용합니다. 정보주체는 모바일 단말기의 설정 변경을 통해 앱의 맞춤형 광고를 차단·허용할 수 있습니다.

‣ 스마트폰의 광고식별자 차단/허용

(1) (안드로이드) ① 설정 → ② 개인정보보호 → ③ 광고 → ③ 광고 ID 재설정 또는 광고ID 삭제

(2) (아이폰) ① 설정 → ② 개인정보보호 → ③ 추적 → ④ 앱이 추적을 요청하도록 허용 끔

※ 모바일 OS 버전에 따라 메뉴 및 방법이 다소 상이할 수 있습니다.

⑦ 정보주체는 웹브라우저의 쿠키 설정 변경 등을 통해 온라인 맞춤형 광고를 일괄적으로 차단·허용할 수 있습니다. 다만, 쿠키 설정 변경은 웹사이트 자동로그인 등 일부 서비스의 이용에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.

  • 웹브라우저를 통한 맞춤형 광고 차단/허용

(1) 인터넷 익스플로러(Windows 10용 Internet Explorer 11)

  • Internet Explorer에서 도구 버튼을 선택한 다음 인터넷 옵션을 선택
  • 개인 정보 탭을 선택하고 설정에서 고급을 선택한 다음 쿠키의 차단 또는 허용을 선택

(2) Microsoft Edge

  • Edge에서 오른쪽 상단 ‘…’ 표시를 클릭한 후, 설정을 클릭합니다.
  • 설정 페이지 좌측의 ‘개인정보, 검색 및 서비스’를 클릭 후 「추적방지」 섹션에서 ‘추적방지’ 여부 및 수준을 선택합니다.
  • ‘InPrivate를 검색할 때 항상 “”엄격”” 추적 방지 사용’ 여부를 선택합니다.
  • 아래 「개인정보」 섹션에서 ‘추적 안함 요청보내기’ 여부를 선택합니다.

(3) 크롬 브라우저

  • Chrome에서 오른쪽 상단 ‘⋮’ 표시(chrome 맞춤설정 및 제어)를 클릭한 후, 설정 표시를 클릭합니다.
  • 설정 페이지 하단에 ‘고급 설정 표시’를 클릭하고 「개인정보」 섹션에서 콘텐츠 설정을 클릭합니다.
  • 쿠키 섹션에서 ‘타사 쿠키 및 사이트 데이터 차단’의 체크박스를 선택합니다.
  • 52 | 개인정보 처리방침 작성지침 일반

⑧ 정보주체는 아래의 연락처로 행태정보와 관련하여 궁금한 사항과 거부권 행사, 피해 신고 접수 등을 문의할 수 있습니다.

  • 개인정보 보호 담당부서
  • 부서명 : K-ARTNOW.COM 팀
  • 담당자 : 박소옥
  • 연락처 : 0507-1461-7815, aproject.company@gmail.com

제9조 개인정보 보호책임자에 관한 사항

① K-ARTNOW.COM 은(는) 개인정보 처리에 관한 업무를 총괄해서 책임지고, 개인정보 처리와 관련한 정보주체의 불만처리 및 피해구제 등을 위하여 아래와 같이 개인정보 보호책임자를 지정하고 있습니다.

  • 개인정보 보호책임자
  • 성명 :박종현
  • 직책 :담당자
  • 직급 :대리
  • 연락처 :0507-1461-7815, aproject.company@gmail.com

※ 개인정보 보호 담당부서로 연결됩니다.

  • 개인정보 보호 담당부서
  • 부서명 :K-ARTNOW.COM
  • 담당자 :박종현
  • 연락처 :0507-1461-7815, aproject.company@gmail.com

② 정보주체께서는 K-ARTNOW.COM 의 서비스(또는 사업)을 이용하시면서 발생한 모든 개인정보 보호 관련 문의, 불만처리, 피해구제 등에 관한 사항을 개인정보 보호책임자 및 담당부서로 문의하실 수 있습니다. K-ARTNOW.COM 은(는) 정보주체의 문의에 대해 지체 없이 답변 및 처리해드릴 것입니다.

제10조 개인정보의 열람청구를 접수·처리하는 부서

정보주체는 「개인정보 보호법」 제35조에 따른 개인정보의 열람 청구를 아래의 부서에 할 수 있습니다.
< K-ARTNOW >은(는) 정보주체의 개인정보 열람청구가 신속하게 처리되도록 노력하겠습니다.

  • 개인정보 열람청구 접수·처리 부서
  • 부서명 : K-ARTNOW.COM
  • 담당자 : 박종현

연락처 : 0507-1461-7815, aproject.company@gmail.com

제11조 정보주체의 권익침해에 대한 구제방법

정보주체는 개인정보침해로 인한 구제를 받기 위하여 개인정보분쟁조정위원회, 한국인터넷진흥원 개인정보침해신고센터 등에 분쟁해결이나 상담 등을 신청할 수 있습니다. 이 밖에 기타 개인정보침해의 신고, 상담에 대하여는 아래의 기관에 문의하시기 바랍니다.

1. 개인정보분쟁조정위원회 : (국번없이) 1833-6972 (www.kopico.go.kr)
2. 개인정보침해신고센터 : (국번없이) 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr)
3. 대검찰청 : (국번없이) 1301 (www.spo.go.kr)
4. 경찰청 : (국번없이) 182 (ecrm.cyber.go.kr)

「개인정보보호법」제35조(개인정보의 열람), 제36조(개인정보의 정정·삭제), 제37조(개인정보의 처리정지 등)의 규정에 의한 요구에 대 하여 공공기관의 장이 행한 처분 또는 부작위로 인하여 권리 또는 이익의 침해를 받은 자는 행정심판법이 정하는 바에 따라 행정심판을 청구할 수 있습니다.

※ 행정심판에 대해 자세한 사항은 중앙행정심판위원회(www.simpan.go.kr) 홈페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다.

제12조 개인정보 처리방침 변경

  • 이 개인정보처리방침은 2022년 10월 31부터 적용됩니다.



Privacy Policy

Last updated: October 31, 2022.

K-ARTNOW.COM (https://k-artnow.com/, hereinafter referred to as ‘K-ARTNOW’) has the following policy to protect personal information and rights of users (information objects, hereinafter the same applies) in accordance with personal information-related laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act and the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and to process users’ personal information-related complaints smoothly.

Purpose of personal information management

K-ARTNOW.COM manages personal information for the following purposes. K-ARTNOW.COM doesn’t use personal information for other purposes, and when changing the purposes of use, it will seek consent in advance.

Membership signup and management
  • to identify and certify members to provide membership services, various notifications, handling complaints and preserving records for dispute settlement, etc.

Processing complaints
  • To identify, check, contact, and notify those who submit complaints for investigating facts and results, etc

Provision of services
  • To develop new services (products), offer customized services, provide events, advertise information and participation opportunities, post advertisements, and access frequency or member’s service use statistics, etc.

Utilization for marketing and advertising
  • To develop new services (products), offer customized services, provide events, advertise information and participation opportunities, post advertisements, and access frequency or member’s service use statistics, etc.

Job application
  • To manage recruitment and resourcing activities, provide information about the applicant, etc.

Conclusion and management of contracts (registration of transaction partners)
  • To manage personal information for the purposes of determining whether to establish transactions relationships and concluding, establishing, maintaining, implementing, changing, and managing contracts, managing and collecting claims, credit checks, and real-name transitions, etc.

Personal information items collected

Personal information items collected by K-ARTNOW.COM for membership signup and various services provision online and business handling offline, and their collection methods are as follows. 

  • Membership signup and services: email address, mobile phone number, password, password question and answer, login ID, gender, birth date, name, service use records, cookies, access IP information, etc.
  • Subscriptions: name, address, email address, phone number, subscription information, etc.
  •  Conclusion of contracts: name, address, company name, business number, corporation registration number, birth, date, contact number, etc.\
  •  Job application: name, birthdate, phone number, contact number, address, email address, academic background, career history, self-introduction, etc. (optional information may be required, such as qualification of a license, language ability, etc.)

The period during which personal information is handled and retained

K-ARTNOW.COM handles and retains personal information only during the period specified by relevant statutes for retaining and using personal information or the period to which each user consents when we collect the user’s personal information.

Matters concerning the provision of personal information to third parties
  • K-ARTNOW.COM does not provide personal information collected and retained thereby to any third party without the relevant user’s consent, except in the following cases:
  • Where a user specifically consents to the provision of his/her personal information;
  • Where another statute provides expressly;
  • Where a user or his/her legal representative is incapable of communicating his/her intention or it is impossible to obtain consent from a user or his/her legal representative because his/her whereabouts are unknown, but it is considered clearly necessary to urgently provide his/her personal information to a third party for the safety, health, or economic interests of the user or of a third party;
  • Where personal information is provided in a form that makes it impossible to identify a specific person, as necessary for compiling statistics or scientific research;
  • Where it is impracticable to perform relevant duties prescribed in other Acts unless the personal information is provided for any purpose other than its original purpose or is provided to a third party and where the such case is deliberated on and determined by the Personal Information Protection Commission;
  • Where it is necessary to provide such information to a foreign government or an international organization to implement treaties or other international agreements;
  • Where it is necessary to investigate a crime and to file and sustain a prosecution;
  • Where it is necessary for a court to proceed with a trial;
  • Where it is necessary to enforce a sentence, custody, or protective order imposed.
  • When we provide your personal information to a third party, we will inform you of the following facts to obtain consent from you:
  • The name of the recipient of personal information (or the name of the corporation or organization, if the recipient is a corporation or organization) and the contact information of the recipient;
  • The recipient’s purposes for using personal information
  • The items of personal information are to be provided.
  • The duration during which the personal information will be retained and used by the recipient.
  • The fact that user has a right to refuse to consent and details of any disadvantages.

Matters concerning outsourced processing of personal information

K-ARTNOW.COM does not export its personal data without the data subject’s consent outside K-ARTNOW.COM. If a third-party organization is contracted to process personal information on K-ARTNOW.COM’s behalf, K-ARTNOW.COM, as Data Controller, remains responsible for posting the name of K-ARTNOW.COM outsourced and outsourced matters on our website.

The rights and obligations of data subjects and legal representatives, and how to exercise the rights

A user (if the user is under the age of 14, referring to his/her legal representative) may exercise the following rights in relation to protecting personal information:

  • The right to request permission to inspect his/her personal information;
  • The right to request correction of his/her personal information if there is any error, etc.;
  • The right to request the deletion of his/her personal information;
  • The right to request K-ARTNOW.COM to suspend handling his/her personal information.
  • The right to be notified of personal information that has been received from another person

Where a user requests the correction or deletion of any error, etc., in his/her personal information, the relevant information shall not be provided to any third party pursuant to this Policy until the relevant information is corrected or deleted.

A user may exercise his/her rights through an agent, such as his/her legal representative or a person with a mandate. In such cases, the user shall submit a power of attorney as specified in attached Form 11 of the Enforcement Rule of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Users must not infringe on their own privacy or the privacy of other people collected by K-ARTNOW.COM by violating the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Items of personal information to be handled

The primary personal information collected and retained by K-ARTNOW.COM are as follows;

No.Name of personal information fileMain Items
1The list of field trip participantsName, Contact Information, E-mail, Affiliation
2Managing recruitment and resourcing activitiesName, Nationality, Address, Phone number, Hobby, Strength, Essay, Veterans’ Family, Disability Identification, Telephone number, Educational data, GPA, Military Service, Employment History, Travel Information, the experience of studying abroad, Activities, English Proficiency or other languages, Certificates, Awards, etc.

Destruction of personal information

In principle, K-ARTNOW.COM destroys a user’s personal information after the purpose of handling the personal information has been attained.

If K-ARTNOW.COM needs to retain the provided information in line with the relevant laws even when the agreed retention period is over or after achieving the purpose of its collection, it shall move the personal information in question (or personal information file) to a separate database or another storage space.

The procedure, deadlines, and methods for destroying it are as follows:

  • Procedure for destruction
    K-ARTNOW.COM destroys personal information (or personal information files) according to a special procedure. K-ARTNOW.COM selects personal information (or personal information file) subject to destruction, obtains approval from the person in charge of personal information protection, and destroys it.
  • Methods for destruction
    K-ARTNOW.COM destroys personal information stored in the form of electronic files using the Low-Level Format, which cannot be revived. Personal information stored in the form of paper documents is destroyed by shredding or incineration.

Remedies for Violation of Rights and Interests

Users can file complaints about infringing their privacy.

Complaints regarding privacy violations

  • E-mail: aproject.company@gmail.com


Privacy Policy

Last updated: October 31, 2022.

K-ARTNOW.COM (https://k-artnow.com/, hereinafter referred to as ‘K-ARTNOW.COM’) has the following policy to protect personal information and rights of users (information objects, hereinafter the same applies) in accordance with personal information-related laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act and the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and to process users’ personal information-related complaints smoothly.

Purpose of personal information management

K-ARTNOW.COM manages personal information for the following purposes. K-ARTNOW.COM doesn’t use personal information for other purposes, and when changing the purposes of use, it will seek consent in advance.

Membership signup and management
  • to identify and certify members to provide membership services, various notifications, handling complaints and preserving records for dispute settlement, etc.

Processing complaints
  • To identify, check, contact, and notify those who submit complaints for investigating facts and results, etc

Provision of services
  • To develop new services (products), offer customized services, provide events, advertise information and participation opportunities, post advertisements, and access frequency or member’s service use statistics, etc.

Utilization for marketing and advertising
  • To develop new services (products), offer customized services, provide events, advertise information and participation opportunities, post advertisements, and access frequency or member’s service use statistics, etc.

Job application
  • To manage recruitment and resourcing activities, provide information about the applicant, etc.

Conclusion and management of contracts (registration of transaction partners)
  • To manage personal information for the purposes of determining whether to establish transactions relationships and concluding, establishing, maintaining, implementing, changing, and managing contracts, managing and collecting claims, credit checks, and real-name transitions, etc.

Personal information items collected

Personal information items collected by K-ARTNOW.COM for membership signup and various services provision online and business handling offline, and their collection methods are as follows. 

  • Membership signup and services: email address, mobile phone number, password, password question and answer, login ID, gender, birth date, name, service use records, cookies, access IP information, etc.
  • Subscriptions: name, address, email address, phone number, subscription information, etc.
  •  Conclusion of contracts: name, address, company name, business number, corporation registration number, birth, date, contact number, etc.\
  •  Job application: name, birthdate, phone number, contact number, address, email address, academic background, career history, self-introduction, etc. (optional information may be required, such as qualification of a license, language ability, etc.)

The period during which personal information is handled and retained

K-ARTNOW.COM handles and retains personal information only during the period specified by relevant statutes for retaining and using personal information or the period to which each user consents when we collect the user’s personal information.

Matters concerning the provision of personal information to third parties
  • K-ARTNOW.COM does not provide personal information collected and retained thereby to any third party without the relevant user’s consent, except in the following cases:
  • Where a user specifically consents to the provision of his/her personal information;
  • Where another statute provides expressly;
  • Where a user or his/her legal representative is incapable of communicating his/her intention or it is impossible to obtain consent from a user or his/her legal representative because his/her whereabouts are unknown, but it is considered clearly necessary to urgently provide his/her personal information to a third party for the safety, health, or economic interests of the user or of a third party;
  • Where personal information is provided in a form that makes it impossible to identify a specific person, as necessary for compiling statistics or scientific research;
  • Where it is impracticable to perform relevant duties prescribed in other Acts unless the personal information is provided for any purpose other than its original purpose or is provided to a third party and where the such case is deliberated on and determined by the Personal Information Protection Commission;
  • Where it is necessary to provide such information to a foreign government or an international organization to implement treaties or other international agreements;
  • Where it is necessary to investigate a crime and to file and sustain a prosecution;
  • Where it is necessary for a court to proceed with a trial;
  • Where it is necessary to enforce a sentence, custody, or protective order imposed.
  • When we provide your personal information to a third party, we will inform you of the following facts to obtain consent from you:
  • The name of the recipient of personal information (or the name of the corporation or organization, if the recipient is a corporation or organization) and the contact information of the recipient;
  • The recipient’s purposes for using personal information
  • The items of personal information are to be provided.
  • The duration during which the personal information will be retained and used by the recipient.
  • The fact that user has a right to refuse to consent and details of any disadvantages.

Matters concerning outsourced processing of personal information

K-ARTNOW.COM does not export its personal data without the data subject’s consent outside K-ARTNOW.COM. If a third-party organization is contracted to process personal information on K-ARTNOW.COM’s behalf, K-ARTNOW.COM, as Data Controller, remains responsible for posting the name of K-ARTNOW.COM outsourced and outsourced matters on our website.

The rights and obligations of data subjects and legal representatives, and how to exercise the rights

A user (if the user is under the age of 14, referring to his/her legal representative) may exercise the following rights in relation to protecting personal information:

  • The right to request permission to inspect his/her personal information;
  • The right to request correction of his/her personal information if there is any error, etc.;
  • The right to request the deletion of his/her personal information;
  • The right to request K-ARTNOW.COM to suspend handling his/her personal information.
  • The right to be notified of personal information that has been received from another person

Where a user requests the correction or deletion of any error, etc., in his/her personal information, the relevant information shall not be provided to any third party pursuant to this Policy until the relevant information is corrected or deleted.

A user may exercise his/her rights through an agent, such as his/her legal representative or a person with a mandate. In such cases, the user shall submit a power of attorney as specified in attached Form 11 of the Enforcement Rule of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Users must not infringe on their own privacy or the privacy of other people collected by K-ARTNOW.COM by violating the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Items of personal information to be handled

The primary personal information collected and retained by K-ARTNOW.COM are as follows;

No.Name of personal information fileMain Items
1The list of field trip participantsName, Contact Information, E-mail, Affiliation
2Managing recruitment and resourcing activitiesName, Nationality, Address, Phone number, Hobby, Strength, Essay, Veterans’ Family, Disability Identification, Telephone number, Educational data, GPA, Military Service, Employment History, Travel Information, the experience of studying abroad, Activities, English Proficiency or other languages, Certificates, Awards, etc.

Destruction of personal information

In principle, K-ARTNOW.COM destroys a user’s personal information after the purpose of handling the personal information has been attained.

If K-ARTNOW.COM needs to retain the provided information in line with the relevant laws even when the agreed retention period is over or after achieving the purpose of its collection, it shall move the personal information in question (or personal information file) to a separate database or another storage space.

The procedure, deadlines, and methods for destroying it are as follows:

  • Procedure for destruction
    K-ARTNOW.COM destroys personal information (or personal information files) according to a special procedure. K-ARTNOW.COM selects personal information (or personal information file) subject to destruction, obtains approval from the person in charge of personal information protection, and destroys it.
  • Methods for destruction
    K-ARTNOW.COM destroys personal information stored in the form of electronic files using the Low-Level Format, which cannot be revived. Personal information stored in the form of paper documents is destroyed by shredding or incineration.

Cookie Policy

Purpose of Cookies

  • K-ARTNOW.COM uses cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive.
  • These cookies enable K-ARTNOW.COM to anonymously track how visitors access and browse our website, thereby enabling us to optimize and improve our service.
  • K-ARTNOW.COM can use cookies to identify the user or device and collect information.

Cookie Management

  • Most internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies. You can change the settings to block cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent to your device.

To view or modify cookies settings, follow these steps:

      1. In Internet Explorer, click Internet Options on the Tools menu, and then click the Security tab.
      2. Click the Web content zone you want and then click Custom Level.
      3. Under Cookies, click the options you want, click OK, and then click OK.

Remedies for Violation of Rights and Interests

Users can file complaints about infringing their privacy.

Complaints regarding privacy violations

  • E-mail: aproject.company@gmail.com

Privacy Policy

Last updated: October 31, 2022.

K-ARTNOW.COM (https://k-artnow.com/, hereinafter referred to as ‘K-ARTNOW.COM’) has the following policy to protect personal information and rights of users (information objects, hereinafter the same applies) in accordance with personal information-related laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act and the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and to process users’ personal information-related complaints smoothly.

Purpose of personal information management

K-ARTNOW.COM manages personal information for the following purposes. K-ARTNOW.COM doesn’t use personal information for other purposes, and when changing the purposes of use, it will seek consent in advance.

Membership signup and management

    • to identify and certify members to provide membership services, various notifications, handling complaints and preserving records for dispute settlement, etc.

Processing complaints

    • To identify, check, contact, and notify those who submit complaints for investigating facts and results, etc.

Provision of services

    • To provide services, contents, certifying identifications, etc. 

Utilization for marketing and advertising

    • To develop new services (products), offer customized services, provide events, advertise information and participation opportunities, post advertisements, and access frequency or member’s service use statistics, etc.

Job application 

    • To manage recruitment and resourcing activities, provide information about the applicant, etc.

Conclusion and management of contracts (registration of transaction partners)

    • To manage personal information for the purposes of determining whether to establish transactions relationships and concluding, establishing, maintaining, implementing, changing, and managing contracts, managing and collecting claims, credit checks, and real-name transitions, etc.

Personal information items collected

Personal information items collected by K-ARTNOW.COM for membership signup and various services provision online and business handling offline, and their collection methods are as follows. 


  • Membership signup and services: email address, mobile phone number, password, password question and answer, login ID, gender, birth date, name, service use records, cookies, access IP information, etc.
    • Subscriptions: name, address, email address, phone number, subscription information, etc.


  •  Conclusion of contracts: name, address, company name, business number, corporation registration number, birth, date, contact number, etc.
    • Job application: name, birthdate, phone number, contact number, address, email address, academic background, career history, self-introduction, etc. (optional information may be required, such as qualification of a license, language ability, etc.)

The period during which personal information is handled and retained

K-ARTNOW.COM handles and retains personal information only during the period specified by relevant statutes for retaining and using personal information or the period to which each user consents when we collect the user’s personal information.

Matters concerning the provision of personal information to third parties
  • K-ARTNOW.COM does not provide personal information collected and retained thereby to any third party without the relevant user’s consent, except in the following cases:
    • Where a user specifically consents to the provision of his/her personal information;
    • Where another statute provides expressly;
    • Where a user or his/her legal representative is incapable of communicating his/her intention or it is impossible to obtain consent from a user or his/her legal representative because his/her whereabouts are unknown, but it is considered clearly necessary to urgently provide his/her personal information to a third party for the safety, health, or economic interests of the user or of a third party;
    • Where personal information is provided in a form that makes it impossible to identify a specific person, as necessary for compiling statistics or scientific research;
    • Where it is impracticable to perform relevant duties prescribed in other Acts unless the personal information is provided for any purpose other than its original purpose or is provided to a third party and where the such case is deliberated on and determined by the Personal Information Protection Commission;
    • Where it is necessary to provide such information to a foreign government or an international organization to implement treaties or other international agreements;
    • Where it is necessary to investigate a crime and to file and sustain a prosecution;
    • Where it is necessary for a court to proceed with a trial;
    • Where it is necessary to enforce a sentence, custody, or protective order imposed.
  • When we provide your personal information to a third party, we will inform you of the following facts to obtain consent from you:
    • The name of the recipient of personal information (or the name of the corporation or organization, if the recipient is a corporation or organization) and the contact information of the recipient;
    • The recipient’s purposes for using personal information
    • The items of personal information are to be provided.
    • The duration during which the personal information will be retained and used by the recipient.
    • The fact that user has a right to refuse to consent and details of any disadvantages.

Matters concerning outsourced processing of personal information

K-ARTNOW.COM does not export its personal data without the data subject’s consent outside K-ARTNOW.COM. If a third-party organization is contracted to process personal information on K-ARTNOW.COM’s behalf, K-ARTNOW.COM, as Data Controller, remains responsible for posting the name of K-ARTNOW.COM outsourced and outsourced matters on our website.

The rights and obligations of data subjects and legal representatives, and how to exercise the rights

A user (if the user is under the age of 14, referring to his/her legal representative) may exercise the following rights in relation to protecting personal information:

  • The right to request permission to inspect his/her personal information;
  • The right to request correction of his/her personal information if there is any error, etc.;
  • The right to request the deletion of his/her personal information;
  • The right to request K-ARTNOW.COM to suspend handling his/her personal information.
  • The right to be notified of personal information that has been received from another person

Where a user requests the correction or deletion of any error, etc., in his/her personal information, the relevant information shall not be provided to any third party pursuant to this Policy until the relevant information is corrected or deleted.

A user may exercise his/her rights through an agent, such as his/her legal representative or a person with a mandate. In such cases, the user shall submit a power of attorney as specified in attached Form 11 of the Enforcement Rule of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Users must not infringe on their own privacy or the privacy of other people collected by K-ARTNOW.COM by violating the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Items of personal information to be handled

The primary personal information collected and retained by K-ARTNOW.COM are as follows;


Name of personal information file

Main Items


The list of field trip participants

Name, Contact Information, E-mail, Affiliation


Managing recruitment and resourcing activities

Name, Nationality, Address, Phone number, Hobby, Strength, Essay, Veterans’ Family, Disability Identification, Telephone number, Educational data, GPA, Military Service, Employment History, Travel Information, the experience of studying abroad, Activities, English Proficiency or other languages, Certificates, Awards, etc.

Destruction of personal information

In principle, K-ARTNOW.COM destroys a user’s personal information after the purpose of handling the personal information has been attained.

If K-ARTNOW.COM needs to retain the provided information in line with the relevant laws even when the agreed retention period is over or after achieving the purpose of its collection, it shall move the personal information in question (or personal information file) to a separate database or another storage space.

The procedure, deadlines, and methods for destroying it are as follows:

      • Procedure for destruction
        K-ARTNOW.COM destroys personal information (or personal information files) according to a special procedure. K-ARTNOW.COM selects personal information (or personal information file) subject to destruction, obtains approval from the person in charge of personal information protection, and destroys it.
      • Methods for destruction
        K-ARTNOW.COM destroys personal information stored in the form of electronic files using the Low-Level Format, which cannot be revived. Personal information stored in the form of paper documents is destroyed by shredding or incineration.

Cookie Policy

Purpose of Cookies

    • K-ARTNOW.COM uses cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive.
    • These cookies enable K-ARTNOW.COM to anonymously track how visitors access and browse our website, thereby enabling us to optimize and improve our service.
    • K-ARTNOW.COM can use cookies to identify the user or device and collect information.

Cookie Management

    • Most internet browsers are initially set up to automatically accept cookies. You can change the settings to block cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent to your device.


      To view or modify cookies settings, follow these steps:
      1. In Internet Explorer, click Internet Options on the Tools menu, and then click the Security tab.
      2. Click the Web content zone you want and then click Custom Level.
      3. Under Cookies, click the options you want, click OK, and then click OK.

If you disable the cookies that we use, this may impact your experience while on K-ARTNOW.COM Sites, for example, you may not receive personalized service we provide on our website.

Remedies for Violation of Rights and Interests

Users can file complaints about infringing their privacy.

Complaints regarding privacy violations

  • E-mail: aproject.company@gmail.com
