Mok jinyo, Thorne, 2024 ⓒBusan Museum of Contemporary Art

Busan Museum of Contemporary Art (Busan MoCA) presents a group exhibition “2024 BusanMoCA Platform_I’m sorry Dave I’m afraid I can’t do that” through April 13. “BusanMoCA”, an annual event that Busan MoCA has been hosting since 2023, is an exhibition that shares continued social reflections and queries about the environment and ecosystem in anticipation of the future that awaits us around the seismic turn of planetary change.

Following the first exhibition in 2023, which contemplated on the primal relationship between ‘Nature and humanity, “2024 BusanMoCA Platform_I’m sorry Dave I’m afraid I can’t do that” expands the journey to stories on the sustainability of future environment under the themes of digital smart technology, convergence world, and the substantive connection and interaction between humans and the environment.

Youngkak Cho, Full-time employee, 2024 ⓒYoungkak Cho

Centering its composition around new technological convergence media artworks across interactive media art, crypto art, artificial intelligence, data sculptures, game, and videos, the exhibition combines the format of its existing contest-based selections and invited works by overseas as well as domestic artists.

The creative coexistence and fusion of machine prediction and human sensibility, notions of ‘actual reality,’ and emotional exchanges in the age of augmented humanity offer new forms of exchanges and experiences by expanding the overarching theme of the ‘environment and ecology.’

In conjunction with the exhibition, lectures and programs will be conducted through multidisciplinary collaboration involving researchers, technicians, and developers, offering opportunities for multidimensional reflections on the future environment. For more details, please visit the BusanMoCA Platform website (

Apostles of the Pantheon, The Pantheon of 0 and 1, 2024 ⓒBusan Museum of Contemporary Art

Participating Artists: The overall exhibition will combine the works of the selected finalists from the Open Call (four teams) and a curated exhibition featuring invited artists. Participating artists include Bill Viola (USA), Mok Jinyo, Mario Klingemann (Germany), Universal Everything (UK), Ok Seungcheol, and Gavin Shapiro (USA). The exhibition will also incorporate lectures and related programs that promote interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, technicians, and developers, with a total participation of around 50 teams.

Ji Yeon Lee has been working as an editor for the media art and culture channel AliceOn since 2021 and worked as an exhibition coordinator at samuso (now Space for Contemporary Art) from 2021 to 2023.